Thursday 7 July 2011

Gary Van Wyk- Private Public

Gary Van Wyk's exhibition  Private Public opened last night at  Heidi's Photographers Gallery za.

When I say this charming young man is everyone's favourite photographer, I mean that quite literally,  you can see by the exhibition pictures, most of Cape Town turned out-  his enthusiasm and passion for photography is contagious.

the street when we left

the street when we arrived as  Oliver Hermanus gave his speech

Gary was mostly rooted to the spot with a steady stream of warm kisses and congratulatory hugs from hundreds of people.

you can tell which one is Gary
As I stood outside and chatted Chenin blanc in hand, it seemed that everyone had three or four favourite photographs, a few of the favourites overlapped, but mostly they were unique - he definitely had this exhibition nailed.

The photographs captured moments, private, spontaneous and decisive. Our friend Ilaria who is in the first photograph, waving a hello in a doorway wearing a beautiful billowing hat, says Gary is always taking pictures. eventually you don't realise he is and I'm guessing that's when the magic happens.

Heidi working her own magic

another talented photographer- Guy Tillim
Great evening, interesting people, by the time we left, the gallery was still overflowing, I'll have to go back for another look at those pictures.

 Heidi invited 'the art teacher' and some of our friends to exhibit under 'family portraits' on the back wall last night .......more pics to follow.

the drive home view from the Highway

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